
I did not foresee become so acquainted with this wonderful region of the world. My work and travels took me through the modern schools of Beijing, to the slums of Uttar Pradesh, and the tropics of Java. Voyaging through South India, East Asia, and Southeast Asia was like a wandering dream. While rewarding, the voyages were not without hard lessons.

Journey to India

The kindness, beauty and endless colors of the people I met in India juxtaposed with its sheer poverty. One of my most mind-opening journeys, this placed together all the main problems in poverty and development in one place, leaving one to urgently ponder solutions.

China Series

My introduction to China was through one of the most rewarding jobs I have ever worked: teaching schoolchildren in Beijing, transcending physical and psychological borders in language learning, self-expression, and connecting with others from different backgrounds.

Into Indonesia

This consultancy project ended up becoming one of my best team adventures –through the islands of Indonesia with some of the most inspiring education professionals and leaders there.