A Sanctuary for the Homeless in Paris: Emmaüs Solidarité

He explained, passerbys and society too often regard people on the street with indifference, deeming them invisible, or worse. As such, the homeless feel shame and disconnected from the rest of the world. Ali’s opening up showed a need to connect and share his situation. Ali, Diop, Mike, Toni, and others who I met exemplify what it means to brave rough times and lead their lives with dignity through the challenges.

Countering Extremism through Integration

When innocent lives pay the price for absurdity of disturbed individuals under twisted ideology, all of humanity loses – whether it be attacks in Orlando, Paris, Brussels, Turkey, or throughout the Middle East. With the recent horrific attacks by radicalized individuals, a good friend asked me what regular people every day can each do to make a difference and tackle this problem.

“Crossing Borders” Youth Leaders

In a Ted-ex-like format, Sciences Po students captivated the audience by showcasing how they traversed limitations through travel and exposure to different cultures. Piroshin, a member of the Indian community in South Africa detailed racial abuses in South Africa. Marianna started her own NGO at age 18 to assist victims of human trafficking in Latin America. Originally, from India, Nikita got the courage to cross to Pakistan, against all warnings from family. Indeed, some of the greatest borders are the psychological ones that we place on ourselves.

One Billion Rising

This Valentine’s Day at the #onebillionrising gathering in Paris’s Place de Trocadero overlooking the Eiffel Tower, students of Sciences Po, NGOs, and supporters gathered to denounce violence against women –  dancing in the rain in strength against one of the most oppressive situations that women face.